When telling a story, there are dozens of ways to make the letters sound amazing by banging words together. Just like we hear the sounds of the letters pouring from the tip of the pen onto the paper.

I am used to waking up to gray, wet weather in London almost every season. I wake up to foggy mornings in a city that greets you with its gray wings extended to infinity. Regardless of the season, rain clouds are always behind your window. Of course, sorrowful clouds do not always bring gloom and sorrow. It may make inspired writers by raindrops zigzagging on the glass, perhaps the clatter of falling onto the roof.

As a fantasy author, it was inconceivable that I would not be interested in fairy tales. Fairy tales have been in my mind for as long as I've known myself. They grew up with me, they developed with me, and we learned and gained experience together.

My childhood and youth years were always spent with stories. My imaginary playmates grew up after a while and drew their own paths, just like me.  Of course, during this long and pleasant my childhood, I also gained my creative self without realizing it. Even in those big heavy classics that I read that were not for my age, I had an attitude of finding fantastic elements and enjoying the surreal, supernatural parts of the story more. This attitude has continued to increase over the years. So much so that your outlook on life has settled down to your way of perceiving life.

We human beings often take refuge in scientific foundations in order to understand the inner side of events, and we want to be sure. I respect people's choices, but I prefer to see the fantastic side of things. Instead of being convinced and appeased by scientific explanations, I immerse myself in the splendor of the extraordinary with a roaring excitement as if my heart is going to burst out of my chest. Even though some describe it as escaping from realism, a delusional lifestyle, and handling the events in a rigid framework, they actually want to shout out the truth of this by convulsing the souls they have forcibly imprisoned in dark cages.

We are, as children of ancient cultures, listened to and told tales under a plane tree in the cold winter nights, sometimes in the warm breezy spring months, and sometimes in the peaceful arms of the warm breezes. Telling and listening have been the other name of conversation and unity for centuries. Stories and fairy tales connect us to each other, appear as guides in difficult times and also provide information about human social awareness. They become companions so that we can establish new universes and understand the present.

Since existence, human beings have always followed the mystery and unexplained mystical events with curiosity. The stories also point to the mysterious adventure of humanity in creation. The universe, human beings, life, planets, and all living things are in the middle of our lives as solid as fantastic fictional characters and the backgrounds that feed our story. From that adventure to this drama, stories are like breathing life forms without losing their fluidity from past comedy to future sci-fi. They never lose their freshness.

Without stories, there is no way to understand people's world. Stories are what make us human. We are all beings programmed to enjoy stories. Our victories, our defeats, our heroism-hostilities, our lifestyles, everything is hidden in the stories we enjoy telling.

So we are all storytellers. In our daily life routine, at work, and in our social environment, we always find ourselves talking about something. Sometimes it starts at dinner, sometimes it starts with a phone call that lasts for minutes. We always tell something. It is also an art of influencing and effective speaking.

One of humanity's most ancient skills is storytelling. Today, fairy tales and stories are used effectively in every social environment, especially in educational environments. It is common in commercial life that those who discover the power of the story use this power to persuade people. The story increases the engagement of brands by 84%, which is a splendid percentage. At the point we call emotional branding, stories come into play and provide needs-oriented transformation and an advantage in customer relations. There is no effective speech that is boring and difficult to understand when there is a story in it. Stories are the best way to strengthen the narration, to be instructive, and not to bore the audience.

If we turn to what is storytelling, actually an art form. The Art of Storytelling. After all, it's an art. In fact, it is an art that we all do almost every day. When we blend the words that come out of our mouths with our breath by hitting each other, we can visualize whatever we are talking about. We all have extraordinary abilities. And storytelling is an art based on this ability.

If you ask me, fantasy literature is the most important genre of literature. One of the most obvious benefits of fantasy is that it allows readers to experiment with different ways of seeing the world. Fantasy stories heal monotony in your mind, dullness in perception, and diminished awareness. You get away from the gloomy atmosphere of the world and discover new dimensions. It saves you from the disloyalty of people, from the feeling of emptiness that a day spent running around makes you feel, or from the collapse of your immune system when you are sad.

I have been a columnist for Eurovision for years. Whatever I write, I never thought of presenting it to my reader without sprinkling fantastic elements, without telling the subject, and without adding mythology dust. Everyone needs some relief when the world seems dark and hazy enough even under the summer sun while people are already trying to breathe in an aura of gray. Those who discovered the power of stories have never needed another method.

In short, stories and fairy tales are for people of all ages. Stories heal. Books are one of the best medicines to mend the fractures in our souls. So stay with love and books in every moment of your life.