“Everyone finds the bright path, the point is to look for light on the dark path.”

                                                                                                                        Necip F. Kısakürek


There's a question I find myself asking often these days: Has the devil reached his goal in this era?

What are you, a liberal? That's hateful.

A conservative, Wtf is wrong with you?

If you believe capitalism is great, you are a loser!

Socialism? Shut up!

Pro-abortion? We can never be friends with you!

The situation is that we do not get along.

Humans are inherently argumentative and will defend their beliefs at all costs, regardless if their beliefs are moral or immoral, human or inhumane, the problem is that what you believe is right, and what another believes is wrong. But we have staggering difficulty understanding each other's views and are quick to dismiss them. We hear the word "republican" and thoughts of hatred and resentment fill our heads.

The person you meet is phenomenal until their religion or political views are disclosed, then, that phenomenal person turns into a monster, someone you can't stand. But we treat each other terribly if the other person doesn't represent the appropriate class. Wars have been fought, countless lives lost, and humanity slowly decaying because of a dominant viewpoint that's willing to subjugate others. Instead of working together, we alienate other people because of their differences in skin color, race, beliefs, wealth, or anything that doesn't resemble our beliefs and notions.

The biggest problem we have is accepting each other's differences.

Although all of these may seem like the fundamental problems of the 21st century we live in, for me the most fundamental problem is moral degradation. Humanity is experiencing a complete lack of morality. The age we live in is truly an age of global barbarity. The fact that the genocides taking place before the eyes of the world still cannot be stopped is an indication that we have truly hit rock bottom.

War before civilization was even bloodier. But we also care more about violence today. Forensic archaeology and ethnographic demography suggest that around 15% of people living in non-state societies died violently — five times the proportion of violent deaths in the twentieth century from war, genocide, and man-made famines combined. In all these genocides, all these injustices, and rudeness, it seems to me as if the devil is sitting on his couch, watching humanity with great pleasure.

“My favorite era! Luckily there are people to take my place. I deserved a short vacation!”

Remember! It's not that long ago. The world has watched while genocide has been and continues to be carried out in Gaza. The world has watched while Israeli forces have bombed thousands, over 36,000 men women, and little children in Gaza.

While the screams of the innocent echo throughout the universe, leaders who still cannot do anything about it… In Gaza, Rafah, East Turkestan, and Arakan… and in many other places that we have not heard of, known of but cannot see, innocents who have been left in the clutches of darkness… This concept called human rights, which all citizens of the world have innately possessed, has remained completely on paper today. One of these is the Uyghur Turks living in the East Turkestan region, whose rights have been usurped, who are subjected to many inhuman pressures, domination, and tortures, and who are struggling to survive. But what about the darkness that has descended on the innocents in Arakan! They are the largest stateless community in the world; despite their population of 2.5 million, they do not have any identity or rights.

The devil, while sending his darkness on humanity in every age, has withdrawn from time to time and darkness has been replaced by light. Of course, his withdrawal is not out of compassion for humanity; They are the process of developing strategies with their humanoid staff in order to put forward their new plans. And humanity was able to breathe a little during these short periods of time. He is the opposer of all that is good and the great promoter of evil. His aim is to be a rival; his motivation was to displace God.